Sustainability - a matter of course
Offering sustainable products is important to Polynova. We strive to work exclusively with goods with a low environmental impact. Most of our products are made from the material polyethylene, a completely organic material which is very energy efficient to produce. A polyethylene product can be recycled many times before its finally incinerated.
However, Polynovas sustainability work is about so much more than merely offering good products. We strive to contribute to a positive development actively and responsibly by progressing the business forward in a way that maintains our values, with respect for human, society, environment, and natural resources. Two examples of this are our ethical action based on the UN Global Compact´s 10 principles and that we have an ongoing work, bringing in even more certified suppliers. We work continuously and systematically with the environmental and quality certifications ISO 14001 and 9001.
Our main sustainability objective is to reduce our negative impact and increase the positive effects that Polynova has on society. Whether it is a local influence or a global one. We all have to contribute to make better decisions and our investments in sustainability makes it easier for you as a customer to make conscious choices. Together, we make a difference.
Our environmental work – Products for the future
Through our environmental work, we invest in our common future. A large part of our products are made from the raw material polyethylene, a completely organic material which is very energy efficient to produce. Thanks to the low weight of polyethylene products, the environmental impact of transport and warehousing is minimal compared to other packaging options. A polyethylene product can be recycled many times before its finally incinerated in a heating plant. During the combustion, polyethylene plastic, with its high and very pure energy content, contributes to achieving the necessary temperature, producing nothing but water and carbon dioxide.
In a business where environmental work rarely is seen as even possible, we have made a great effort in finding solutions that meet both our values and our customers’ needs and expectations. We have developed our environmentally friendly series of products to make it easier for our customers to make conscious choices. But we are not satisfied with only that. Within to our environmental policy we want to create the greatest possible customer value, respecting the environment and common surroundings by our knowledge and ethical fair products.
We are affiliated with the Swedish PRO Näringslivets Producentansvar - Producers must be affiliated with a producer responsibility organisation that is approved by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency from November 1st, 2023. The producers, through producer responsibility organisations, are responsible for the collection of packaging and ensuring that the packaging waste material is recycled.
Products of the future
We have created a series of products based on biodegradable starch-polyNATURE. Unlike conventional plastics based on fossil raw material, products made from starch decomposes, leaving a minimal impact on the environment and the eco system.
Further we have a series of products, polyBLUE, which despite its name is one of our most green series. These products are made from 100% re-collected and recycled polyethylene, labeled with “Der Blaue Engel” – the worlds oldest eco-label founded in Germany 1978. polyBLUE is a certified better environmental choice, suitable for normal waste. The label certifies that the origin of the raw material is traceable and meets the high-quality requirements for both the raw material and the final product.
At last, let us introduce a series of products, polyGREEN. These products are made from renewable and completely fossil-free raw materials. It´s main content is made from ethanol, produced from sugar cane, which during cultivation also helps to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Products from our range polyGREEN can be added to the conventional recycling cycle. A truly green choice that contribute to a long-term sustainable development.
Almost all our products are made of polyethylene, a plastic made of carbon and hydrogen which has both excellent usage and environmentally friendly properties.
We aim for sustainability to facilitate for you to do the same
We consider sustainability equal to quality and they are booth top priorities for us.
With more than 40 years in the industry, we know our customers preferences and how to face their needs
Through the whole life circle, from production to delivered product and recycling we keep a meticulous surveillance.
We strive for simplicity in our entire business, from customer service to choosing the right product
We know the importance of customization; our customers satisfaction is our top priority which makes our solutions flexible to meet all their requirements
Responsible Purchasing
To be able to offer quality-assured and sustainable products, responsible purchasing is the main key. For Polynova this means having an attractive and updated product range which meets our code of conduct for suppliers. This code sets the requirements for compliance of human rights as well as internationally recognized conventions and national legislations. To keep track of compliance, we continuously visit our suppliers. If deviations from Polynovas requirements are detected, we require improvement and keep a strict monitoring of the supplier. Should this not improve the situation, the collaboration can be ended. This is an ongoing work so that we can offer our customers high quality products, elaborated within our code of conduct.
For Polynova, responsible purchasing also means that we have proficient employees working in close partnership with our suppliers. Our employees on site have a broad knowledge about our products, certifications, and our customers’ requirements. This means that we can keep our processes efficient and get access to market leading products. An important prerequisite for successful purchasing is having the right supplier base. Purchasing at Polynova is a teamwork with short decision paths keeping our product range always in balance with the market. The purchasing business is a central part to be able to offer our customers quality-assured and sustainable products.
We set high quality as well as environmental requirement standards for all processes in our business. We are certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001. We are also affiliated with Näringslivets Producentansvar, a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Certificates & Policies
Type approvals
Sustainable plastic products with top quality
A sustainable choice doesn’t equal to diminish quality. With our long experience, we have developed first class, sustainable products that meet strict quality requirements. As our products are widely used to protect other goods, often products of great economic or human value, we therefore place high demands on quality. We know the importance of products to be functional and easy to use. It’s an ongoing work to improve and simplify our products, often in collaboration with our customers. We strive to always stay on top in terms of quality, service, and environmental commitment.