We have developed three different product lines to make it easier to choose a “greener” option. Our brand polyNATURE is a biodegradable product line, polyGREEN is made from fossil free green polyethylene, and polyBLUE is made from 100% recycled polyethylene.

30 August, 2021

PolyBLUE Garbage Bags

PolyBLUE is despite its name one of our "greenest" garbage bags, made from 100 % recollected and recycled pol...
20 December, 2016

polyNATURE Refuse sack

PolyNATURE-refuse sacks, are made of 100% biodegradable materials. They allow composting without any damage t...
20 December, 2016

Liner bags PolyNATURE, tie handles

Bags of biodegradable starch that allows composting without any damage to animals or plants kingdoms. By choo...
14 December, 2016

PolyREG Garbage bags

Refuse sacks made of recycled LDPE. A better environmental alternative 100% recyclable. Suitable for lighter...
14 December, 2016

Liner bags polyNATURE

Bags of biodegradable starch that allows composting without any damage to animals or plants kingdoms. By choo...